Torsten Schulz ( Bass )

Talking about Torsten ( T.C.) Schulz means mentioning a genius on the bass… Starting his musical career as a guitar player he changed to the bass, not because of easy-living with less strings, but because of getting closer to the real thing of music: Harmonies and groove.
He is excellent on the knowledge on basses and sounds and how to produce them authentically, and he is performing his instrument with virtuosity ( love in vain…..). Thanks Torsten, SIZER has a brand!!! So here we have got one of the most talented bass-players in town….
Befor joining SIZER, Torsten had spent two years in the U.S., touring and playing from L.A “fm station” to N.Y “Cat Club”. with many bands including “Mr.Naughty”, “Night Ranger”.
What else is he doing?
Well after returning to good old Europe he started his business as a structural engineer and helped building the “Bundespräsidialamt” for the President…
new York cat club:
last commander standing: